Thursday 8 April 2010

So it's come to this

Well, I've finally given in and started a blog. I actually meant to start one a couple of years back, but I felt compelled to recently after it was suggested I should start sharing my life with the internet by a couple of friends. It may be a bit of hardcore procrastination on my part, too. Also I'm very bored right now as Jonny has gone to a Geography conference for two days (what can I say, I like bad boys).

I do think me keeping a blog is a good idea though. It means I can moan about people/things on here instead of using my Facebook status. But this one won't be about moaning as I've been thinking about my future recently so my first blog will be my musings on that.

I'm actually looking forward to finishing university. I'm growing tired of assignments, and even more tired of the reaction I get when I tell people I'm a student. Upon telling non-student people that I'm the big S, I usually get "playful" mutterings of " taxes...get a job" with a generous splash of tutting in between. While in part I think there might be a touch of jealousy in the tiresome reaction, I can see where they're coming from I guess. You've got Facebook groups such as 'University - it's like being on the dole only your parents are proud of you', and that's not far off what it's like some of the time. However I think these non-students overlook the fact that there is hard work involved, and it's not all alcohol, vomiting, one night stands and running naked through the streets. However one thing I enjoy when telling people I'm a student is telling people what I study. While I do get people being interested in the fact that I study Criminology, I derive great amusement from the people who feign joy while shooting me a slightly uneasy look and hastily making sure they're not doing anything illegal. If I produce a magnifying glass and a pipe at this point they run a mile.

Anyway, the summer should be interesting. I'm planning on working part-time for most part, while at the same time whoring myself out to any sort of law-enforcement establishment to gain experience so I have more chance of starting a meaningful career sooner rather than later. It's all for the CV, baby. I just know that I'm not going to jump headlong into the first mediocre job I can get my hands on, pretending to myself that it's "just for now". At the end of the day, people can get comfortable and before they know it, 10 years has passed and they're still there. I'm not prepared to waste the past three years of my life.

I'm also looking forward to moving out of the flat. While I still like it and it's been a good first place for me and Jonny, it's getting to that stage now where we need more space. We also really want a couple of pets (in particular a Scottish Fold cat - look it up. They are AWESOME). Ideally we'd like to stay around Uplands as it's a great area, we've grown pretty fond of it.

Well I think that's it for my first blog. Stay tuned for more crap soon.

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